Leka Konini
December 03, 2024
Age: 54 years
Leka Konini
Leka Konini
McCabe Funeral Home is located at 851 N CANTON CENTER RD.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at https://www.mccabefuneralhome.com/ or call (734) 981-4530.
The death of Leka Konini has been publicly announced on The McCabe Funeral Home website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
McCabe Funeral Home is located at 851 N CANTON CENTER RD.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at https://www.mccabefuneralhome.com/ or call (734) 981-4530.
The death of Leka Konini has been publicly announced on The McCabe Funeral Home website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Surviving Relatives
Leka leaves behind friends & family including
Nikolas - Child
Angelina - Child
Gjergji Konini - Sibling
Flora Bojdani - Sibling
Predeceased Relatives
Leka was preceded in death by
Nikollaq Konini - Parent
Urani Konini - Parent