Barbara Farris
Hidden - January 11, 2025
Age : 87 years
Barbara Farris
Charleston, ILLINOIS
Barbara Farris
Adams Funeral Chapel is located at 2330 SHAWNEE DR.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at or call (217) 345-2005.
The death of Barbara Farris has been publicly announced on The Adams Funeral Chapel website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Adams Funeral Chapel is located at 2330 SHAWNEE DR.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at or call (217) 345-2005.
The death of Barbara Farris has been publicly announced on The Adams Funeral Chapel website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Surviving Relatives
Barbara leaves behind friends & family including
Eric L. (Mickey Chapman) Smith - Child
Jason W. Smith - Child
Aaron L. (Stephanie) Smith - Grandchild
Madison T. Smith - Grandchild
Bekah Connell - Grandchild
Jessica Lovejoy - Grandchild
Sarah Connell - Grandchild