Earlene Argo
Hidden - January 13, 2025
Age : 72 years
Earlene Argo
Hazlehurst, GEORGIA
Earlene Argo
Crosby Funeral Home Inc is located at 207 W 12TH ST.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at https://www.crosbyfuneralhome.com/ or call (912) 632-8623.
The death of Earlene Argo has been publicly announced on The Crosby Funeral Home Inc website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Crosby Funeral Home Inc is located at 207 W 12TH ST.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at https://www.crosbyfuneralhome.com/ or call (912) 632-8623.
The death of Earlene Argo has been publicly announced on The Crosby Funeral Home Inc website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Spouse Name
Joe Argo - SurvivingSurviving Relatives
Earlene leaves behind friends & family including
Connie Peace - Child
Cristie Griffin - Child
John Bagley, Jr. - Child
Lindsie Peace - Grandchild
Trevor Peace - Grandchild
Graycen Daniels - Grandchild
Grant Bagley - Grandchild
John Bentley Bagley - Grandchild
Asher Bagley - Grandchild
Nathan Johnson - Grandchild
Jacob Johnson - Grandchild
Peggy Thornton - Sibling
Predeceased Relatives
Earlene was preceded in death by
Earl Faulk - Parent
Ellene Cribb Faulk - Parent
Michael Faulk - Sibling
Timmy Faulk - Sibling
Karen Thrift - Sibling
Scheduled Events
You still have time to send flowers to Earlene's Service