Catherine Karns
Hidden - January 15, 2025
Age : 85 years
Catherine Karns
Catherine Karns
Emmons Macey Steffey Funeral is located at 1303 12TH ST.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at or call (618) 943-4322.
The death of Catherine Karns has been publicly announced on The Emmons Macey Steffey Funeral website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Emmons Macey Steffey Funeral is located at 1303 12TH ST.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at or call (618) 943-4322.
The death of Catherine Karns has been publicly announced on The Emmons Macey Steffey Funeral website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Spouse Name
Michael E. Karns - SurvivingSurviving Relatives
Catherine leaves behind friends & family including
Steven Karns - Child
Brian Karns - Child
Kelly Blain - Child
Arthur Snider - Sibling
Thomas Snider - Sibling
Jerry Snider - Sibling
Barbara Weck - Sibling
Predeceased Relatives
Catherine was preceded in death by
James A. Snider - Parent
Catherine (Pine) Snider - Parent
Richard Snider - Sibling
Michael Snider - Sibling