Susan DiGiovanni
Hidden - January 15, 2025
Age : 73 years
Susan DiGiovanni
Freeport, ILLINOIS
Susan DiGiovanni
Offenheiser-Schwarz Funeral is located at 220 N MAIN ST.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at or call (815) 443-2212.
The death of Susan DiGiovanni has been publicly announced on The Offenheiser-Schwarz Funeral website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Offenheiser-Schwarz Funeral is located at 220 N MAIN ST.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at or call (815) 443-2212.
The death of Susan DiGiovanni has been publicly announced on The Offenheiser-Schwarz Funeral website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Spouse Name
John DiGiovanni - PredeceasedSurviving Relatives
Susan leaves behind friends & family including
Kathy DiGiovanni - Child
Joshua L. Beightol - Grandchild
Derrick J. Lomas - Grandchild
Austin E.M. Lomas - Grandchild
Angie Sedschlag - Sibling
Lauri Swalve - Sibling
Alton Joe McIlvanie - Sibling
Predeceased Relatives
Susan was preceded in death by
Alton O. McIlvanie - Parent
Velma I. McIlvanie - Parent
Scheduled Events
You still have time to send flowers to Susan's Service