Ruth Elia
Hidden - January 16, 2025
Age : 83 years
Ruth Elia
Ruth Elia
Migliaccio Funeral Home is located at 851 JOHN F KENNEDY BLVD.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at or call (201) 436-5500.
The death of Ruth Elia has been publicly announced on The Migliaccio Funeral Home website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Migliaccio Funeral Home is located at 851 JOHN F KENNEDY BLVD.
For the most recent obituary and service information, visit the funeral home website at or call (201) 436-5500.
The death of Ruth Elia has been publicly announced on The Migliaccio Funeral Home website. LivesOn.Life reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide.
Spouse Name
Frank Elia - SurvivingSurviving Relatives
Ruth leaves behind friends & family including
Michael Elia - Child
Karen Matelesko - Child
Dina Elia - Child
Joseph Matelesko - Grandchild
Paulie Matelesko - Grandchild
Alex Marie Elia - Grandchild
Nicki Lynn Elia - Grandchild
Rachel Kobelski - Grandchild
Gladys Glassen - Sibling
Butch Osborne - Sibling
Predeceased Relatives
Ruth was preceded in death by
Lester Osborne - Parent
Ethel Osborne - Parent